TED Conferences LLC (Technology, Entertainment, Design) and the DEEP STATE want your attention please....

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TED Conferences LLC (Technology, Entertainment, Design) and the DEEP STATE want your attention please....

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Did you ever wonder WHO is REALLY behind TED and TEDx?

Here is a list of bedmates of TED Talks Network, which made the global matrix possible: Financial & networking tentacles with Goldman Sachs; Sapling Foundation; Acumen Fund; Chase Manhattan Bank; World Bank; Rockefeller Foundation; CFR Council on Foreign Relations; Fortress Investment Group; BlackRock; Skoll Foundation; Google ... + more!!

LUMINA FOUNDATION landmark document: Re: Adult Education Organizations: The Lumina Foundation and the Small Planet Institute

TED Conferences LLC [aka TED], deep roots to The Chautauqua Institution, "USA Funds" -- non-profit branches of USA Groups, Sallie Mae & especially the LUMINA FOUNDATION

The LIBERTARIAN roots of the LUMINA Foundation--1958 Eisenhower era, Richard Cornuelle was an Indianapolis INDIANA activist who worked for the libertarian William Volker Fund and was associated with Ayn Rand and free-market economist Ludwig von Mises.......click here to read full story....

The REAL HISTORY of TED and TED-x conferences and videos

TED inc., is a non-profit run by Chris Anderson, a venture capital and hedge fund expert, and a former computer games promoter guru, who reigned over his own behemoth very profitable magazine empire.

In 2001 TED Conferences LLC (Technology, Entertainment, Design) emerged from near total obscurity. Around that time, media entrepreneur Chris Anderson, met with Wurman in 2000 to discuss the TED conference's future. A deal was struck, and in 2001, Anderson’s nonprofit Sapling Foundation acquired TED, and Anderson became its Curator. TED is owned by the private nonprofit Sapling Foundation. The foundation's most recent publicly available (2009) 990 tax returns state that even back then the foundation was raking in money and had assets of $23 million, revenues of $20 million, and paid its top five employees over $1 million in compensation.

Chris Anderson (born 1957 in Pakistan to a Christian Evangelical father) is British and the curator of TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design), which hosts conferences in North America and Europe each year and an open-access website where TED talks can be viewed by the public. Previously he founded Future Publishing.

Future is the official magazine company of all three major games console manufacturers.

In March 2010, Future announced that it was exploring the possibility of reviving its GamesMaster brand on television. The video games show had run from 1992 until 1998; the spin-off magazine continues to be published. Future Publishing (based in Somerton and then Bath, UK), which rapidly grew, expanding into other areas, such as cycling, music, video games, technology, and design, going public in 1999. In 1994, Anderson moved to the San Francisco Bay Area and continued to launch magazines including Business 2.0. Future grew to more than 130 magazines and more than 1,500 employees.

Anderson is married to Jacqueline Novogratz. She is the founder and CEO of Acumen Fund, a non-profit global venture capital fund whose goal is to use entrepreneurial approaches. Her father is a military man. Novogratz started her career at Chase Manhattan Bank as an international credit analyst. After three years, she went to work throughout Africa as a consultant for the World Bank. Novogratz also founded and directed The Philanthropy Workshop and The Next Generation Leadership programs at the Rockefeller Foundation before starting Acumen Fund in 2001. She also serves on the Aspen Institute Board of Trustees and as a member of a World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Social Innovation. She is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Her brother is Michael Novogratz, the president of investment management firm Fortress Investment Group, a former partner at BlackRock Financial Management, and Goldman Sachs.

Acumen Fund, his wife’s life’s mission, was incorporated on April 1, 2001, with seed capital from the Rockefeller Foundation, Cisco Systems Foundation and three individual philanthropists. Acumen’s investors and advisors include also the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Google.org and the Skoll Foundation. In May 2007, the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, based at Oxford University’s Saïd Business School, and the Institute for Social Entrepreneurship at Zhejiang University in China, jointly organised an International Forum on Social Entrepreneurship. The International Forum on Social Entrepreneurship represents a first step in building ongoing links between Asian and western social entrepreneurship. Jacqueline Novogratz is the founder and CEO of Acumen.

Back to ‘her Lady’ Jaqueline's husband, Chris Anderson. In 2001, Anderson left Future and, through his non-profit foundation, acquired TED. Under his stewardship, the mission of TED suddenly shifted to "ideas worth spreading”.

TED was first conceived in 1984 by architect and graphic designer Richard Saul Wurman. The first conference featured demos of the compact disc co-developed by Philips and Sony and one of the first demonstrations of the Apple Macintosh computer. From 1990 onward, an emerging community of "TEDsters" gathered annually at California State University Monterey Bay until 2009, after which they moved to Long Beach, California. In 2000, Wurman, looking for a successor in his old age retirement, met with new-media entrepreneur Chris Anderson to discuss deals. Anderson's for profit UK media company Future bought TED and in November 2001 he quickly turned it over to his own nearly tax free The Sapling Foundation non-profit set-up. In early 2006, TED attendance cost was $4,400 per person and was by invitation only. By June 2006 Anderson had hired June Cohen as Director of TED Media, who came from HotWired website/Wired magazine, and before that with a team at Stanford University that had developed the world's first networked multimedia magazines, called "Proteus".

For her new TED boss June Cohen flipped the momentum of TED to the internet and video presentations as we know them today. In April 2007, the new TED.com was launched, developed by design firm Method. As of today, Oct 2018, well over 2800 TED talks have been posted. By November 13, 2012, TED had reached its billionth video view. TEDx are independent TED-like events which can be organized by anyone who obtain a free license from TED, agreeing to follow certain principles, however, they must surrender the copyrights to their materials, which TED may edit and distribute under a Creative Commons license.

Infiltration into grade schools and education

TEDxYouth events are independent programs set up for students roughly between 7th–12th grades. TED-Ed is a category of TED talks which are short animated lessons aimed at very young children. Current advisers for Ted-Ed lessons include Jackie Bezos, John Hunter, Jonathan Bergmann, Melinda Gates, and Salman Khan. Already in 2014, the TEDxTalks library contained over 30,000 films and presentations from over 130 countries. In October 2017, the TEDx archive surpassed 100,000 talks in 133 countries, especially due to "TEDx in a Box" that allows people in developing countries to hold TEDx events. TEDx also metastasized to include TEDxYouth events, TEDx corporate events, and TEDxWomen.


The libertarian roots of the Lumina Foundation--1958 Eisenhower era, Richard Cornuelle was an Indianapolis INDIANA activist who worked for the libertarian William Volker Fund and was associated with Ayn Rand and free-market economist Ludwig von Mises.......click here to read full story....

Vice President Mike Pence's ties to LUMINA FOUNDATION while governor of Indiana...in February 2014, LUMINA FOUNDATION and the governor’s office jointly announced that the 'foundation' had selected Indiana as one of three states to receive a $1 million "Guided Pathways to Success" grant to help college students graduate on time.

"Indiana has really capitalized on the idea of career and technical education and the educating of adults. The new state motto has even been geared toward this idea, “A state that works” this phrase puts out the image that Indiana is a blue collared state. Along with this motto Governor Mike Pence has put a focus on vocational education, in hopes that it can bring potential manufacturing jobs to the state. I believe that this renewed excitement in the manufacturing field will also raise awareness and funding for future adult education initiatives."

-- Keith Cozart, Kyle Owens Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana--Important Adult Education Organizations: The Lumina Foundation and the Small Planet Institute, Keith Cozart, Kyle Owens, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana

TED and Chautauqua Institution, partnered and paired. LUMINA FOUNDATION landmark document: Re: Adult Education Organizations: The Lumina Foundation and the Small Planet Institute, Keith Cozart, Kyle Owens, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana

The Lumina Foundation and its’ Mission-- In the late 90’s and early 2000’s USA GROUPS was the nation’s largest private guarantor and administrator of education loans (Miller, 2007). On July 31st, 2000 USA GROUPS sold most of its assets to SALLIE MAE STUDENT LOANS for a sum close to 770 million dollars. Both of these companies held a stake in the student loan industry and the merger was seen a successful transition that had no negative effects on the customers. While most of the merger was complete, the subsidiary USA Funds was unable to be purchased for legal reasons in the mediation. USA FUNDS was a non-profit branch of USA GROUPS that was incorporated with the purposes of fostering education and the continuation of studies, promoting attainment of higher education by those who otherwise might be unable to achieve it, and advancing the cause of aid and support to college students (USA Funds, 2014). After the transition and the buyout by SALLIE MAE STUDENT LOANS, the USA FUND changed from a non-profit to a foundation. The new foundation became the USA GROUP FOUNDATION with the mission to provide special emphasis on the improvement of higher education through the strategic utilization of original and sponsored research, provision of educational grants and sponsorship of selected educational activities (Miller, 2007). Once the foundation had become official then SALLIE MAE STUDENT LOANS issued a press release and THE USA GROUP stating that all proceeds from the merger (770 million) would be given as an endowment to the USA Group Foundation in the hopes of improving the access to higher education. The transaction immediately made the USA Group Foundations one of the largest education foundations in the United States. After receiving these funds it was the goal of the company to change their identity and to become something new. The board of the USA Group Foundation wanted to have a search committee find a name with the goals being that of a distinct entity. On February 27th, 2001 the USA Group Foundation officially became the LUMINA FOUNDATION ("Lumina Foundation") with the motto “A new light dawns on American Higher Education”.

SALLIE MAE Student Loans changed their name to NAVIENT but like Wall Street toxic bonds and dicey debt ridden certificates choking off the central banks of the western world, and like Sallie's sister con artist Fannie Mae, Sallie lives on despite her new name and continues bilking domestic resident US university age young adults with predatory loan practices....click link here above for more!

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